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June 9th News! The new website of is available online.

ISSN: 0360-1323

Editor-in-Chief: Qingyan Chen

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

Impact Foctor: 3.341

Abstracting/Indexing: Science Citation Index, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology, Current Contents/SciSearch Database, etc.


Building and Environment is an international journal that publishes original research papers and review articles related to building science and human interaction with the built environment.

The Journal invites research articles conveying robust, tested knowledge on:
 • technologies and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities
 • thermal, acoustic, visual, air quality building science and human impacts
 • tools for the design and decision-making community, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools.
 • solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, sustainable built environments.

All submissions to the journal must be submitted online at

For more information about submission:


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