Computer-Aided Design invites papers reporting new research, as well as novel or particularly significant applications, within a wide range of topics, spanning all stages of design process from concept creation to manufacture and beyond. Examples of relevant topics include but are not limited to:
• Foundational theories, frameworks, methodologies, and standards
• Geometric and topological methods for shape and solid modeling
• Structural, material and physical modeling
• Virtual reality and prototyping methods
• Advanced support of manufacturing and downstream activities of product realization
• User interfaces, system interfaces and system interoperability
• Knowledge-intensive technologies for design
• Design databases, knowledge repositories, object libraries and retrieval
• Modeling and design of multi-scale objects and systems
• Specific applications and significant benchmarks of computer-aided design
• Emergent issues of advanced design support
• Uncertainty and imprecision in computer-aided design
All submissions to the journal must be submitted online at:
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