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June 9th News! The new website of EJournal.net is available online.

ISSN: 0026-2692

Editor-in-Chief: Eby G. Friedman

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

Impact Foctor: 0.924

Abstracting/Indexing:Current Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology, Engineering Index, Scopus

Website: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/microelectronics-journal

Published since 1969, the Microelectronics Journal is an international forum for the dissemination of research and applications of microelectronic systems, circuits, and emerging technologies. Papers published in theMicroelectronics Journal have undergone peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and timeliness. The journal thus provides a worldwide, regular, and comprehensive update on microelectronic circuits and systems.

The Microelectronics Journal invites papers describing significant research and applications in all of the areas listed below. Comprehensive review/survey papers covering recent developments will also be considered. The Microelectronics Journal covers circuits and systems. This topic includes but is not limited to

   • Analog, digital, mixed, and RF circuits and related design methodologies
   • Logic, architectural, and system level synthesis
   • Testing, design for testability, built-in self-test
   • Area, power, and thermal analysis and design
   • Embedded systems
   • Non-von Neumann computing and related technologies and circuits
   • Design and test of high complexity systems integration
   • SoC, NoC, SIP, and NIP design and test
   • 3-D integration design and analysis
   • Emerging device technologies and circuits, such as FinFETs, SETs, spintronics, SFQ, MTJ, etc.

All submissions to the journal must be submitted online at http://ees.elsevier.com/mej/.

For more information about submission:

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