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June 9th News! The new website of EJournal.net is available online.

ISSN: 0160-4120

Editor-in-Chief: R.E. Alcock

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

Impact Foctor: 5.559

Abstracting/Indexing: Science Citation Index, Current Contents, Elsevier BIOBASE, etc.

Website: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/environment-international

Environment International covers all disciplines engaged in the field ofenvironmental research. It seeks to quantify the impact of contaminantsin the human environment, and to address human impacts on thenatural environment itself. We recognize that scientific issues related to environmental health and human welfare are inherently interdisciplinary and, therefore, we welcome articles that cover the entire spectrum of sources, pathways, sinks and interactions between environmental pollutants, whether chemical, biological or physical. The primary criteria for publication are scientific quality and environmental significance.

All submissions to the journal must be submitted online at . 

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