Applied Thermal Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - EJournal
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June 9th News! The new website of is available online.

ISSN: 1359-4311

Editor-in-Chief: T.S. Zhao

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

Impact Foctor: 2.739

Abstracting/Indexing: Science Citation Index, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology, Mechanical Engineering Abstracts, etc.


Applied Thermal Engineering publishes original, high-quality research papers and ancillary features, spanning activities ranging from fundamental research to trouble-shooting in existing plant and equipment.

Component and system design covers energy use both in the process and power industries, and in buildings, including passive thermal design techniques. For the former, the design problems associated with the integration of components into overall plant are also covered. Additionally, the reduction of water use and pollution prevention are of interest.

The journal features aspects of the thermal engineering of advanced processes, including process integration, intensification and development, together with the application of thermal equipment in process plants. The optimisation of processes to maximise performance is also included.

A wide range of equipment is relevant to Applied Thermal Engineering, such as heat exchangers (compact and advanced designs), heat pumps and refrigeration plant, heat pipes, combined heat and power and advanced cycles, polygeneration, heat transfer enhancement as applied to the above, and other unit operations involving thermal engineering procedures, including those related to renewable sources.

The application of thermal engineering is becoming critical in specific areas such as aerospace, electronics thermal management and medicine, as well as equipment used by the armed forces. Papers on such challenging applications are often a springboard for technology transfer to other areas, and are encouraged. Short communications in the form of 'Case Studies' will be considered.

All submissions to the journal must be submitted online at

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